Coin Groups

453BronzeAE 1-4 (UK find)337348House of ConstantineRoman Empire
456Bronze1 nummus364378House of ValentinianRoman Empire
456BronzeAE 1-4 (UK find)364378House of ValentinianRoman Empire
456BronzeAE2 (4-6 g.)337361Constantius IIRoman Empire
460BronzeAE 1-4 (UK find)353354House of ConstantineRoman Empire
461BronzeAE 1-4 (UK find)364378House of ValentinianRoman Empire
464Bronze1 nummus337364House of Constantine (post Constantine)Roman Empire
467BronzeAE2 (4-6 g.)306337Constantine IUnknown
468BronzeAE 1-4 (UK find)330350Constans IRoman Empire
468Bronzeuncertain (bronze)424455Valentinian IIIWestern Roman Empire
470BronzeAE 1-4 (UK find)330335House of ConstantineRoman Empire
471BronzeAE 1-4 (UK find)307335House of ConstantineRoman Empire
472BronzeAE 1-4 (UK find)350353MagnentiusRoman Empire
477Bronze1 nummusUnknown
477BronzeAE 1-4 (UK find)367375House of ValentinianRoman Empire
484BronzeAE 1-4 (UK find)330335ConstantinopolisRoman Empire
489Bronze1 nummus324330Constantine IRoman Empire
491BronzeAE 1-4 (UK find)310337Constantine IRoman Empire
492Bronze1 nummus350353MagnentiusRoman Empire
493Bronzeunidentified bronze coins325750Unknown