Coin Groups

8Golddinar717720ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīzUmayyads
7Golddinar715717Sulaymān b. ʿAbd al-MalikUmayyads
16Golddinar705715Al-Walīd b. ʿAbd al-MalikUmayyads
10Golddinar685705ʿAbd al-Malik b. MarwānUmayyads
22Goldsolidus668685Constantine IVEastern Roman Empire
155Goldsolidus641668Constans IIEastern Roman Empire
9Goldsemissis610641HerakliosEastern Roman Empire
276Goldsolidus610641HerakliosEastern Roman Empire
57Goldsolidus602610PhokasEastern Roman Empire
1Bronzefollis641641HeraklonasEastern Roman Empire
1Bronzefollis527565Justinian IEastern Roman Empire
1Bronze5 nummi518527Justin IEastern Roman Empire
5BronzeAE4 (0.5-2 g.)400499Roman Empire
1BronzeAE4 (0.5-2 g.)425435Theodosius II or Valentinian IIIRoman Empire
1BronzeAE3 (2-4 g.)408423Honorius or Theodosius IIRoman Empire
1BronzeAE3 (2-4 g.)406408Honorius or Theodosius IIRoman Empire
1BronzeAE3 (2-4 g.)395401ArcadiusEastern Roman Empire
1BronzeAE4 (0.5-2 g.)383392Valentinian II or House of TheodosiusRoman Empire
1BronzeAE4 (0.5-2 g.)383392Valentinian II or House of TheodosiusRoman Empire
1BronzeAE2 (4-6 g.)395423HonoriusWestern Roman Empire