7 | Gold | solidus | 626 | 629 | Heraklios | Eastern Roman Empire |
67 | Gold | solidus | 616 | 625 | Heraklios | Eastern Roman Empire |
14 | Gold | solidus | 613 | 616 | Heraklios | Eastern Roman Empire |
1 | Gold | solidus | 610 | 613 | Heraklios | Eastern Roman Empire |
2 | Gold | solidus | 364 | 450 | House of Valentinian or House of Theodosius | Roman Empire |
1 | Gold | solidus | 395 | 423 | Honorius | Western Roman Empire |
1 | Gold | solidus | 395 | 423 | Honorius | Western Roman Empire |
64 | Gold | solidus | 607 | 610 | Phokas | Eastern Roman Empire |
16 | Gold | solidus | 603 | 607 | Phokas | Eastern Roman Empire |
1 | Gold | solidus | 603 | 603 | Phokas | Eastern Roman Empire |
1 | Gold | solidus | 602 | 603 | Phokas | Eastern Roman Empire |
1 | Gold | solidus | 582 | 602 | Maurice | Eastern Roman Empire |
1 | Gold | solidus | 395 | 423 | Honorius | Western Roman Empire |
1 | Gold | solidus | 375 | 378 | House of Valentinian | Roman Empire |
1 | Gold | solidus | 649 | 650 | Constans II | Eastern Roman Empire |
1 | Gold | solidus | 630 | 638 | Heraklios | Eastern Roman Empire |
3 | Gold | solidus | 630 | 638 | Heraklios | Eastern Roman Empire |
1 | Gold | solidus | 629 | 632 | Heraklios | Eastern Roman Empire |
1 | Gold | solidus | 629 | 632 | Heraklios | Eastern Roman Empire |
1 | Gold | solidus | 629 | 632 | Heraklios | Eastern Roman Empire |