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Magnentius350353Roman Empire
Magnentius or Decentius350353Roman Empire
Magnus Maximus or Flavius Victor384388Roman Empire
Procopius365366Roman Empire
RomaRoman Empire
Theodora (4th century)337340Roman Empire
Theodosius I379395Roman Empire
Theodosius I or Arcadius379408Roman Empire
Theodosius I or Honorius379423Roman Empire
Theodosius II or Valentinian III402455Roman Empire
Uncertain (AD 260 - 402)260402Roman Empire
Valens364378Roman Empire
Valens to Theodosius I364395Roman Empire
Valentinian I364375Roman Empire
Valentinian I or Valens364378Roman Empire
Valentinian I to Gratian364383Roman Empire
Valentinian I to Theodosius I364395Roman Empire
Valentinian II375392Roman Empire
Valentinian II or House of Theodosius375450Roman Empire
Valentinian II or Theodosius I375395Roman Empire