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Tiberius II Constantine578582Eastern Roman Empire
Tiberius III Apsimar698705Eastern Roman Empire
Zeno474491Eastern Roman Empire
Aldfrith, king of the Northumbrians685704English rulers
Eadbald, king of Kent616640English rulers
Eadberht, king of the Northumbrians737758English rulers
Ecgberht, (arch)bishop of York732766English rulers
Stephanos I590627Guaramid dynasty
Chandragupta II375415Gupta dynasty
Unknown (Hephthalites)474560Hephthalites
Gurak710738Ikhshids of Sogdia
Mastan-Avyan698700Ikhshids of Sogdia
Shishpir642655Ikhshids of Sogdia
Tarkhun700710Ikhshids of Sogdia
Tukaspadak696698Ikhshids of Sogdia
Turγar738750Ikhshids of Sogdia
Ukar (Urk Vartramuka)675696Ikhshids of Sogdia