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Galla Placidia421450Western Roman Empire
Honorius or Theodosius II395450Roman Empire
House of Valentinian or House of Theodosius364450Roman Empire
Theodosius I or Theodosius II379450Eastern Roman Empire
Theodosius II402450Eastern Roman Empire
Valentinian II or House of Theodosius375450Roman Empire
Valentinian II or Theodosius II375450Roman Empire
Wahram V420438Sasanians
Bonifacius422429African usurpers
Joannes423425Western Roman Empire
Honorius395423Western Roman Empire
Theodosius I or Honorius379423Roman Empire
Valentinian II to Honorius375423Roman Empire
Constantius III421421Western Roman Empire
Yazdgerd I399420Sasanians
Chandragupta II375415Gupta dynasty
Priscus Attalus409415Western Roman Empire
Heraclianus413413African usurpers
Jovinus411413Western Roman Empire