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Theodora (4th century)337340Roman Empire
Theodosios III715717Eastern Roman Empire
Theodosius I379395Roman Empire
Theodosius I or Arcadius379408Roman Empire
Theodosius I or Honorius379423Roman Empire
Theodosius I or Theodosius II379450Eastern Roman Empire
Theodosius II402450Eastern Roman Empire
Theodosius II or Leo I402474Eastern Roman Empire
Theodosius II or Valentinian III402455Roman Empire
Theudebert I534548Merovingians
Theudebert II595612Merovingians
Theuderic I511534Merovingians
Theuderic II595613Merovingians
Theuderic III673691Merovingians
Theuderic IV721737Merovingians
Tiberius II Constantine578582Eastern Roman Empire
Tiberius III Apsimar698705Eastern Roman Empire