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Wahram II274293Sasanians
Wahram I271274Sasanians
Wahram Cobin590591Sasanians
Vetranio350350Roman Empire
Varhuman650696Ikhshids of Sogdia
Valentinian III424455Western Roman Empire
Valentinian II to Honorius375423Roman Empire
Valentinian II or Theodosius II375450Roman Empire
Valentinian II or Theodosius I375395Roman Empire
Valentinian II or Theodosius I375395Roman Empire
Valentinian II or House of Theodosius375450Roman Empire
Valentinian II375392Roman Empire
Valentinian I to Theodosius I364395Roman Empire
Valentinian I to Gratian364383Roman Empire
Valentinian I or Valens364378Roman Empire
Valentinian I364375Roman Empire
Valens to Theodosius I364395Roman Empire
Valens364378Roman Empire