Coin Finds

Beirut, Bey StreetBey 020 Preliminary report of the excavations 1995hsubeh19@gmail.com08/12/2021
Coins from BaalbekHellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Coins from Baalbekhsubeh19@gmail.com07/12/2021
A Heraclin Hoard from Syria A Heraclian Hoard from Syriahsubeh19@gmail.com06/12/2021
Coins from DamascusAqdam an-nuqūd ad-dimašqiyya hsubeh19@gmail.com03/12/2021
Ein Omayadischer Goldschatz in DamaskusEin neuer omayasischer Goldschatz in Damaskushsubeh19@gmail.com03/12/2021
Islamic Coins from Ras Shamra Ugaritica, Mission de Ras Shamra.hsubeh19@gmail.com02/12/2021
Jebel Khalid on the EuphratesJebel Khalid on the Euphrateshsubeh19@gmail.com30/11/2021
Déhès, Coin FindsDéhès (Syrie du nord) Campagnes I-III (1976-1978) recherches sur l'habitat ruralhsubeh19@gmail.com29/11/2021
Coin Find at Tell Erfad, Sheikh Saad, KültepeGreek, Roman, Byzantine and Islamic Coins Excavated by Bedřich Hrozný in the Middle East (1924-1925)hsubeh19@gmail.com26/11/2021
Byzantine treasure found near the TétrapyleTrésor byzantin trouvé près du Tétrapyle hsubeh19@gmail.com26/11/2021
Resafa: Fundmünzen der Stadtgrabungen 1997-1999 Resafa: Fundmünzen der Stadtgrabungen 1997-1999hsubeh19@gmail.com25/11/2021
Copper monetary from as-Sanamein Trésor monétaire en cuivre découvert au village d as Sanameinhsubeh19@gmail.com25/11/2021
Surface Finds from PalmyraSyrian-Norwegian Surface Survey hsubeh19@gmail.com25/11/2021
The Silver Hoard of DamascusThe Silver Hoard of Damascushsubeh19@gmail.com19/11/2021
Die islamische Fundmünzen aus ResafaDie islamische Fundmünzen aus Resafahsubeh19@gmail.com17/11/2021
Palmyra Sassanian hoardSassanian hoard from Palmyra Excavationshsubeh19@gmail.com16/11/2021
BālisLes monnaies de Bālishudasubeh82@gmail.com29/10/2021
Qasr al-Hayr EastCity in the desert : Qasr al-Hayr Easthudasubeh82@gmail.com29/10/2021
Moyen EuphrateDibsi Farajhudasubeh82@gmail.com28/10/2021
Coins from Euphrates valleyTrouvailles monètaireshudasubeh82@gmail.com28/10/2021

Coin Groups

1Bronzefals724743Hishām b. ʿAbd al-MalikUmayyads
1Silverdirham724743Hishām b. ʿAbd al-MalikUmayyads
1Bronzefals744744Yazīd b. al-WalīdUmayyads
2Bronzefals724743Hishām b. ʿAbd al-MalikUmayyads
1Bronzefals724743Hishām b. ʿAbd al-MalikUmayyads
1Bronze40 nummi (follis)580610Eastern Roman Empire
1Bronze40 nummi (follis)610641HerakliosEastern Roman Empire
1Bronze6 nummi610641HerakliosEastern Roman Empire
1Bronze40 nummi (follis)582602MauriceEastern Roman Empire
1Bronze40 nummi (follis)582602MauriceEastern Roman Empire
1Bronze12 nummi578582Tiberius II ConstantineEastern Roman Empire
5Bronze40 nummi (follis)491518Anastasios IEastern Roman Empire
1Bronze40 nummi (follis)491518Anastasios IEastern Roman Empire
1Bronze40 nummi (follis)594595MauriceEastern Roman Empire
1Bronze40 nummi (follis)527538Justinian IEastern Roman Empire